Saturday, February 8, 2020

Internship Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internship Report - Assignment Example It facilitated me to gain valuable insights about me, my community and various aspects related with the community in the most positive and effective way: Communication and Team work: The exposure to the real situation familiarized me in enhancing my communication capability and it also facilitated in increasing my competencies of working within the team as a team member. Problem Solving: The community internship enabled me to understand all the community associated needs and facilitated me to transform community actions by working together based on the knowledge, strengths and capabilities of the individual involved in the voluntary service. In relation to my learning and growth through the involvement in the community internship, the learning material consisting of lectures have facilitated in answering many of the questions such as why I was engaged in the community internship and what degree of insights and knowledge are required by me to effectively perform the requisite tasks of internship. It also facilitated me to make valuable judgment regarding my personal and professional capabilities. Before the inception of this course, I was apprehensive but every staff in Red Cross supported me and made me feel at ease and facilitated me to easily acquaint with it. The module 3 and module 4 significantly aided me rigorous understanding of the community and its various aspects. I also created a poster which reveals the mission statement of Red Cross service as well as the poster depicts the purposes of the activities that they are engaged in. The poster depicts the pictures that familiarize with stressful life of disabled people as well. My engagement in the community internship delivered me valuable insights about the changing community environment. While dealing with the changing community environment, it required me to be flexible enough to consider

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